Adam - The App Developer

Adam - The App Developer

Linux App's

Root on Kali 2020.2
Open Terminal and run this but:

Beginning with Kali 2020.1, the superuser account no longer exists, and the default user is now a standard, non-privileged user. If you would like to use root instead of the none superuser account on Kali Linux, here are the commands&instructions:

Issue command “sudo su

Issue command “passwd root

Now, your root password changed, try to re log-in or you can just switch the user and log in as root.

Linux Update:
Open Terminal and run this:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt-get full-upgrade
$ sudo apt dist-upgrade
$ sudo apt-get autoremove
$ sudo apt install update-manager-core
$ sudo do-release-upgrade

Kali reinstallation

sudo apt-get install-Menu

sudo apt-get install kali-linux-full

Debian/Ubuntu/Kali Linux App's Install by Terminal
If Terminal say error on apt-get update
(apt-get clean, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade)

1. Beagle
sudo apt-get install beagle

2. John The Ripper
sudo apt-get install John the Ripper

3. Nmap
sudo apt-get install Nmap

4. Nessus
sudo apt-get install Nessus

5. YouTube
sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

6. Synaptic Software Center 
sudo apt-get install synaptic

7. Nethogs
sudo apt-get install netcatsudo apt-get install nethogs goaccess
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install kodi

8. Wine Windows Emulator
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install (--install-recommends) winehq-devel or winehq-staging

9. Istanbul Easy Screen Recorder
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install istanbul

10. Record My Desktop
sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop gtk-recordmydesktop

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc browser-plugin-vlc

12. Openshot
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openshot-qt

13. PlayOnLinux
sudo apt-get install playonlinux
or for developer version:
git clone

14.  KVM
egrep -c ‘(svm|vmx)’ /proc/cpuinfo
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager

Only the root user and users in the libvirtd group have permission to use KVM virtual machines. Run the following command to add your user account to the libvirtd group:
sudo adduser YourName libvirtd

After running this command, log out and log back in. Run this command after logging back in and you should see an empty list of virtual machines. This indicates that everything is working correctly.
virsh -c qemu:///system list

on Kali Linux
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm
sudo adduser name libvirtd

15. VirtualBox
root@kali:~# apt-get update

root@kali:~# apt-get upgrade

root@kali:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
root@kali:~# apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

root@kali:~# wget

root@kali:~# dpkg -i virtualbox-4.2_4.2.14-86644~Debian~wheezy_i386.deb
apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') virtualbox

16. GDebi
sudo apt-get install gdebi

17. Mega Sync
Install downloaded .deb file via gDebi

18. Brasero Burning Studio
sudo apt-get install brasero

19. Pinta
sudo apt-get pinta

20. Visual Studio Code
Install downloaded .deb file via gDebi

21. Steam
Install downloaded .deb file via gDebi

22. APPInventor
Install downloaded .deb file via gDebi

Installing App Inventor 2 Setup on GNU/Linux
You'll need sudo privileges to do the installation.

Note: The setup programs are 32-bit software. If you have
a 64-bit system you may need to install libraries the let your
machine run 32-bit software. One way to do this is to run the
command sudo apt-get install lib32z1, but this
might not work on all GNU/Linux distributions, and you may need to
do some investigation for your particular system.

If you have previously installed the App Inventor setup software, you should remove those files before installing the new software:

sudo rm -rf /usr/google/appinventor
sudo rm -rf ~/.appinventor
Instructions for systems that can install Debian packages

Use these instructions for systems that can install Debian packages
(e.g. Debian or Ubuntu):

Note: If you previously installed the setup package for App Inventor Classic, you should remove it, since it can interfere
with the new installation. Remove the package with sudo apt-get remove appinventor-setup.

Download the Appinventor Setup installer Debian package. This is a file named appinventor2-setup_2.3_all.deb. It is a Debian package installer file. The place it will end up on your computer depends on how your browser is configured. Typically, it will go into your Downloads folder.
If your system can install packages simply by clicking on the package file, then do that.
If your system doesn't support clickable package installers,
then navigate to the directory where the file is located and run
the command
sudo dpkg --install appinventor2-setup_2.3_all.deb
With either
method, you might need to ensure that the deb file as well as
the directory it's in are world readable and world
executable. On some systems, sudo does not have the default
privileges to read and execute all files.

The software will be installed under /usr/google/appinventor.
You might also need to configure your system to detect your device. See the Android developer instructions at Setting up a device for development. Follow the instructions under the step "set up your system to detect your device" in the bullet under "If you're developing on Ubuntu Linux".
Instructions for other GNU/Linux systems

Download the Appinventor Setup installer tar file. This is a file named appinventor2-setup_2.3.tar.gz. It is a Gzip compressed tar file.
Install the files using a method appropriate to your operating system. You'll need to check that the commands-for-Appinventor directory ends up under /usr/google/appinventor.
Starting aiStarter

The aiStarter program manages communication between the Web browser and the Android device. It must be running whenever people use the emulator or the USB cable; it does not need to be running when people are using the wireless companion. Whenever someone logs in to use App Inventor with the emulator or USB, they will need to start aiStarter. This can be done with the command
/usr/google/appinventor/commands-for-Appinventor/aiStarter &
For convenience, you might want to arrange for this command to be run automatically whenever someone logs in, or when the system starts. The precise way to do this depends on which GNU/Linux distribution you are using. Consult the documentation for your distribution.

Locating the Setup directory

In most cases, App Inventor should be able to locate the installed Setup software on its own. If it does ask you where the software is located, the directory path you should enter is

23. CloneZilla
sudo apt-get install clonezilla

24. PHP accelerator
sudo pecl install apc

25. AVG Antivirus Free
apt-get install gdebi
gdebi avg2013flx-r3118-a6926.i386.deb

26. Skype
sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install skype
apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine:i386 gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 sni-qt:i386

27. Alsa Mixer Equallizer
Download and Install Over GDebi
apt-get install libesound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss

to run:

select output line and press m

28. WinUSB
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt update
sudo apt install winusb

29. Android sdk
sudo apt-get install android-sdk

30. Katoolin
sudo apt-get install git
sudo cp katoolin/ /usr/bin/katoolin
sudo chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/katoolin
(On my Ubuntu takes errors after Installation)

31. TeamViewer
Download and Install over Gdebi

32. Android Studio

Setting up Android Studio takes just a few clicks. (You should have already downloaded Android Studio.)
To install Android Studio on Linux, proceed as follows:

  1. Unpack the .zip file you downloaded to an appropriate location for your applications, such as within /usr/local/ for your user profile, or /opt/ for shared users.
  2. To launch Android Studio, open a terminal, navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory, and execute
  3. Select whether you want to import previous Android Studio settings or not, then click OK.
  4. The Android Studio Setup Wizard guides you though the rest of the setup, which includes downloading Android SDK components that are required for development.

Tip: To make Android Studio available in your list of applications, select Tools > Create Desktop Entry from the Android Studio menu bar.
Required libraries for 64-bit machines:
If you are running a 64-bit libraries with the following command:
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 libbz2-1.0:i386
If you are running 64-bit Fedora, the command is:
sudo yum install zlib.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 bzip2-libs.i686
That's it! The following video shows each step of the recommended setup procedure.

32. Android Tools
(All Tools Install over Terminal ( sudo apt-get install nameoftool )

33. Telepad Virtual Mouse
For Ubuntu :
Type the following lines in your terminalsudo add-apt-repository ppa:pelle-vincent-n/telepad-ppa && sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install telepad

Install on Your Android Device and run This!

Adam Krause
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